A collection of products specially curated to appeal to busy event professionals. You can’t always take a real break, you travel often, you don’t eat properly… so these little gems will help keep you up and on the go.
1. LYFT – Energy To Go 
Anytime you need a coffee but are not in the mood or can’t get to one, pureLYFT is the perfect solution. Lyft turns any simple glass of water into a fruity caffeinated beverage. Comes in fabulous flavours and is easy to toss in your purse for that dose of energy anytime. Get your buzz on at www.purelyft.com.
2. NoviConnected 4 Wheel Hubless Travel Roller
NoviConnected is a top of the line suitcase engineered for performance with a spacious main compartment and it comes equipped with an app controlled, 10050mAh battery bank. The detachable power bank is capable of simultaneously charging USB-C and USB devices, transforming every terminal, station or port into a personal power hub. Epic!!! Have a look at www.incase.com.
3. Coaching Sessions
Not a “thing” but still a great idea, for anyone wanting to grow personally and reach higher professionally. Our go-to coach for success, wellness and personal development is Carol Moxam; for a business tune up and epic guidance on how to market and sell your services, there is only one go-to and it’s Lara McCulloch. Azim Jamal is a globally recognized coach who is dedicated to inspiring leaders to achieve material success blended with a deep sense of purpose, passion and happiness. He is your soul-searching guru. Worried about $? While not cheap, each one of our picks offers a variety of price structures.
4. Not Pot
Not Pot’ chocolate hearts are functional chocolates that are made with a simple ingredients that include CBD-rich hemp oil. Not Pot created its CBD-only chocolates because anxiety affects 40 million people annually. As the product is made with hemp and not marijuana, it is legal as a herbal supplement and helps people relax and unwind without the properties and the feeling of a high that comes with THC. Grab yourself a stash at www.notpot.com.
5. Justin’s Snacks To Go
When you need something sweet on the go, pack these babies in your bag and skip the dreaded vending machine run. Low cal and naturally delicious Justins Peanut Butter with Banana chips feed the craving and give you a boost. Get yourself some snacks at shop.justins.com.