Meeting Professionals International announced the slate of candidates for its 2012-2013 International Board of Directors.
“Essential skills and competencies are critical for volunteer leaders serving on the international board of directors. In spite of unprecedented challenges to our industry, MPI’s membership community is stronger than ever."
"We are confident these gifted, diverse leaders appointed to the International Board of Directors will drive success for our members, ” said Eric Rozenberg, CMP, CMM, chair of the MPI governance and nominating committee and president of Swantegy.
Pending membership approval, Board and Executive Committee member selections are effective July 1, 2012 for FY 2012-2013.
The Slate of Officers for the Executive Committee includes:
- Chairman Elect: Michael Dominguez, Vice President, Global Sales, Loews Hotels & Resorts, New York, NY, USA
- Vice Chairman of Finance: Kevin Kirby, Senior Director-Worldwide Sales, Hard Rock International
, Orlando, FL, USA
- Vice Chairman: Roel Frissen, CMM, Managing Director, Parthen, Amstelveen, Netherlands
- Vice Chairman: Carl Winston, Director, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA
Nominees for the Board of Directors (Three -year terms) include:
- Krzysztof Celuch, CMM, CITE, Vice-Dean, Vistula University and Manager, Poland Convention Bureau PTO, Warsaw, Poland
- Allison Kinsley, CMP, CMM, Chief Meeting Architect, Kinsley Meetings, Littleton, CO, USA
- Fiona Pelham
, Managing Director, Sustainable Events Ltd, Manchester, United Kingdom
- Alisa Peters, CMP, CMM, National Account Manager, Experient Inc.
, Chicago, IL, USA
Nominees for the Board of Directors (One-year terms):
- Darren Temple, CTA, Senior Vice President of Sales and Services, Dallas Convention & Visitors Bureau, Dallas, TX, USA (to fill unexpired portion of Roel Frissen’s Board term)
- Stephanie Windham, CMP, Vice President Sales and Marketing, ARIA Resort & Casino and Vdara Hotel & Spa, Las Vegas, NV, USA (to fill unexpired portion of Michael Dominguez’s Board term)
“The new slate of candidates joins a dynamic group of veteran board leaders to deliver success for the global meetings and events community. These industry professionals will continue to position MPI to deliver extraordinary value to our members,” said Kevin Hinton, 2011-2012 chairman-elect of MPI and Executive Vice President of Associated Luxury Hotels International
This new slate of candidates will join returning Executive Committee and Board members for the 2012-2013 year:
- Chairman Kevin Hinton
, Executive Vice President, Associated Luxury Hotels International
, Chicago, IL, USA
- Immediate Past Chairman Sebastien Tondeur
, CEO, MCI Group
Holding SA, Geneva, Switzerland
- Jordan Clark, Vice President of Sales, Caesars Entertainment, Las Vegas, NV, USA
- Ricardo Ferreira, Senior Vice President, GRUPO ALATUR, São Paulo, Brazil
- Hattie Hill, CMM, CEO, Hattie Hill Enterprises, Inc., Dallas, TX, USA
- Cornelia Horner, CMP, Vice President, American Land Title Association, Washington, DC, USA
- Carol Muldoon, CMM, Executive Director-Events & Meetings, KPMG LLP, New York, NY, USA
- Erin Tench, CMP, CMM, Associate Director of Special Events, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA