For More than Event Management: a Complete CRM, Sales, Finance, Facility Booking, Conference Management and Event Registration Software Solution.
Ungerboeck is the world leader in end-to-end event management software for corporations, event & meeting planners, government, higher education, and associations. For most organizations, Ungerboeck software delivers the capabilities of three to five separate software packages at a fraction of the cost including CRM, event planning, event registration, abstract management and budgeting and more. Available in 6 languages, Ungerboeck software drives increased revenue and decreases costs for over 35,000 event professionals in more than 40 countries.
The bottom line is simple: When you run flawless events, clients come back. USI understands that knowing the who, what, when and where of every last detail is the key to achieving perfection. That’s why our event management software solution ensures that all of the vital information you need is right at your fingertips in one central location. Forget duplicating tasks. Forget time-consuming coordination between two or three separate software packages. Forget mistakes. Check out their blog for more information and a live demo.