Over the last few months, we have carefully considered what sustainability means to ISES Vancouver and its membership. As an industry association we recognize the impacts that our industry has on the environment, society, and economy and our responsibility to support our members in conducting business in a way that ensures that these impacts are positive to the greatest extent possible. To this end, we have created a Sustainability Commitment Statement.
There are a number of actions that we will be taking to fulfill this commitment under the banner of ISES Cares. This includes providing members with sustainability related tips, information, and resources via our monthly newsletters and website, demonstrating event sustainability management principles and practices through delivery of chapter events, and hosting at least one sustainability-focused educational
session or event per year.
With the emergence of event sustainability management standards at the national and international levels over the last six months, the demand for event related goods and services produced in accordance with sustainability management principles continues to increase. With our newly established sustainability initiatives, we hope to enable members to meet this growing demand. In addition, we hope to continue to build the reputation of Vancouver and BC as world class destinations which have the capacity to deliver sustainable events.
We are really looking forward to engaging with you in sustainability related dialogue and learning, and the opportunity to influence positive change within our industry. Any feedback or ideas that you have is more than welcome and we encourage you to touch base with us at president@isesvancouver.ca.
Ginny Stratton
Director Sustainability, ISES Vancouver