Inspired Spaces February 17



Looking to beat the February blahs? Yearning for fresh creative ideas to fuel your imagination?

On Wednesday, February 17, prepare to be inspired. Inspired Spaces, the annual tabletop challenge by Seneca’s Event Management students promises to inject new life into your creative palette. Nineteen students will be competing for coveted awards, bringing to life events ranging from fashion shows and product launches to charity events and themed weddings. They are mixing up steam punk with Harry Potter and throwing in some lingerie, Arabian horses and Doc Martens. No two tables will look alike!
The  annual tabletop competition is made possible by the generous support of Event Rental Group, as well as the support of Around the Table, Canadian Special Events and Fifth Element Group.
The program is led by John MacBride, Professor and Program Coordinator, Event Management – Event and Exhibit Design in the Faculty of Communication Art and Design.
Feel free to pass this along to your industry colleagues. Admission is free. No RSVP is necessary. Come and be inspired!